Product Specs | Description |
Manufacturer Name | CSL Behring |
Indications | Rhophylac is an Rh0(D) Immune Globulin Intravenous (Human) indicated for: Suppression of Rhesus (Rh) Isoimmunization in:
Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP):
Contraindications |
Viral Safety Process | Solvent/detergent and nanofiltration (Planova 15 nm): Effective for inactivating and removing enveloped and non-enveloped viruses. |
Route of Administration | IV or IM depending on indication |
Clearance of Rh-positive Red Blood Cells | Both the IV and IM administration of a 1500 IU (300 mcg) dose 24 hours after injection of 15 mL of Rh(D)-positive RBCs resulted in an effective clearance of Rh(D)-positive RBCs. |
Product Half-Life | 16 ± 4 days for IV administration, 18 ± 5 days for IM administration |
Latex Content | No |
Thimerosal Content | No |
Storage Requirements/Shelf Life |
Supply Method | Prefilled, ready-to-use, glass syringe(s). Each syringe is accompanied by SafetyGlide needle. |
Available Sizes | One or ten (10) single-dose prefilled syringes each containing 2 mL liquid for injection. |