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Product SpecsDescription
Manufacturer NameCSL Behring

Corifact is a Factor XIII concentrate indicated for adult and pediatric patients with congenital Factor XIII deficiency for:

  • Routine prophylactic treatment
  • Perioperativef surgical bleeding
ContraindicationsPatients with known anaphylactic or severe systemic reactions to human plasma-derived products.
Viral Safety Process
  • Precipitation/adsorption
  • Ion exchange chromatography
  • Heat-treatment (+60°C for 10 hours in an aqueous solution)
Product Half-Life6.6 ± 2.29 days
Manufacturing MethodMade from pooled human plasma.
Storage Requirements/Shelf Life
  • Refrigerate at 2°C to 8°C (36°F to 46°F)
  • Keep in original carton to protect from light.
  • Do not freeze.
  • Stable for 24 months, up to the expiration date on the labels.
  • May be stored at room temperature not to exceed 25°C (77°F) for up to 6 months.
  • Do not return the product to the refrigerator after it is stored at room temperature.
Nominal Vial Size & Diluent Volume1000 – 1600 IU/20 mL