What We Do


The Hemophilia Alliance is a not-for-profit organization that comprises federally funded hemophilia treatment centers (HTCs) that either have, or are seeking to have, pharmacy programs under Section 340B of the Public Health Service Act.

The purpose of “the Alliance” is to promote the common interests of our member HTCs. In addition to providing support through advocacy, we provide consultant expertise and organizational support in the
following areas:




As a recognized leader in the bleeding disorder community, we have strong relationships with government agencies, national patient organizations and pharmaceutical manufacturers of factor product. We work on our members’ behalf to make sure they are not disadvantaged, and to promote policies and procedures that lead to successful patient outcomes.

The Alliance began in December 2004, and was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) organization in March 2005.

Learn more about specific HTC Services or Member Benefits.


Our Mission

The Hemophilia Alliance works to ensure member Hemophilia Treatment Centers have the expertise, resources and public support to sustain their integrated clinical and pharmacy services for individuals with bleeding and clotting disorders.


Our Vision

Through the work of the Hemophilia Alliance, the clinical and pharmacy programs of the Hemophilia Treatment Centers are integrated, stable and sustainable within a changing healthcare environment. They are trusted and respected as the preferred way to provide people with hemophilia and other bleeding disorders access to the full range of care they need.


Hemophilia Alliance Timeline

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