Kollet Koulianos

Kollet Koulianos

Payer Relations

Kollet Koulianos has joined the Hemophilia Alliance consulting team as of July 1, 2023. Kollet is an avid supporter of HTCs, the Hemophilia Alliance, Hemophilia Alliance Network Services (HANS) and she will help expand the number of payers (insurance brokers, insurers, stoploss carriers, self-insured employers, and employer coalitions) that we work with, which will help HTCs grow their pharmacy programs. She will add to our ability to offer payer solutions for our member HTCs at no cost to our members. In addition, she will help us fight Alternative Funding, Copay Accumulators/Maximizers, and other related healthcare policy issues.

Prior to starting her healthcare consulting firm, P3 Healthcare Benefit Consulting, Kollet was at the National Hemophilia Foundation for over 7 years and most recently was the Vice President Payer relations leading their Payer Relations Team developing and overseeing NHF’s healthcare payer education strategies, policies, and programs, including the Comprehensive Care Sustainability Collaborative (CCSC). Prior to joining NHF, Kollet was the Executive Director of Bleeding & Clotting Disorders Institute (BCDI) in Peoria, IL for almost 5 years.