
September 30, 2014

Board of Directors
The Hemophilia Aliance
1758 Allentown Road #183
Landsdale, PA 19446

Dear Board Members,

Biogen Idec is pleased to support the work of the Hemophilia Alliance in ensuring that people with hemophilia have access to the health care specialists, services, and treatments they need to lead active and productive lives.

Hemophilia Treatment Centers (HTCs) are comprehensive care facilities, recognized for providing cost effective high quality health care to people with a rare, serious, and complicated medical condition. HTCs serve as the medical home and conduit for guaranteeing that those with hemophilia receive the best care, both directly, and through their participation in the Alliance. Biogen Idec supports the Alliance’s work towards creating an environment where people with hemophilia can tailor the care they receive to meet their individual needs by having access to:

  • Providers of their choice,
  • Affordable medicines and services,
  • Health plans that include HTCs in their networks, and
  • A wide range of products included in health plan formularies.

HTCs exemplify the type of health care facility that the federal government envisioned should be eligible to participate in the 340B drug discount program when it was established in 1992.

Although Biogen Idec is new to the hemophilia community, we recognized early on that HTCs are indispensable contributors to hemophilia care and also bring significant value to the larger U.S. health care system. As more and more innovative products are created to better treat this serious disorder and the health care delivery system continues to evolve, HTCs and the Alliance will become increasingly important in helping to shape policies that will improve hemophilia care.

Thank you for your service,

Kathleen Tregoning
Vice President
Public Policy & Government Affairs

Biogen Idec’s letter of support: Click here.